Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ne ne ne ne?

Namaste Subhadin
(Means 'good afternoon friend' in Nepali,
I don't know how to say 'good evening')
Today is the presentation of Colour Studies (CS).
The colour of Nepal.
As you know that I had MP presentation yesterday.
The day before that,
we spending most of the time preparing it,
so there's only few time to prepare on CS.
So, we starting prepare it this morning,
yeah, this morning.
Ya, I know it is not good to do the preparation so late,
but there is no other way.
Although it's like rushing of time, and it is tiring,
we enjoy a lot.
Wearing Churidar and Kurta
(Nepal dress and top, some sort of Indian clothing),
wearing lots of accessories,
drawing Mahinda (M'sian call it 'Inai')
and so on.
Everybody is kind of shock when they saw us.
But the Indian is like extra friendly to us,
it's funny to see the scene.
As we are Indian-ish than them.
Me in Churidar ^^