Saturday, February 28, 2009

Difference of friends and family

Friends is always around you.
Family is always in your heart.

You always tell what you feel to your friend, or maybe swearing together,
but you don't tell how you feel to your family, just to keep them out of worry.
* Some might say "No news are good news" (Direct traslation, paise...)

When you tell your friend your difficulties, they will tell you theirs.
When you tell your family your difficulties, they will encourage you from the bottom of their heart.

To me?
I will cry for the words of encouragement by my family...
At least, I know there's still someone stand beside me, love me and support me.

Sorry for this sentimental post, this is all because of the stress I'm undergoing...

*Just finished MSN-ing with my dad, and crying like a baby.*

“没有一样东西时白来的。” said my dad.